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Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC Spor - Printable Version

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Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC Spor - Anonymous - 04-12-2002


Fed up with footballers, snooker players, rowers wining all the lime light?

Please use the link to register your vote for the IOM TT star David Jeffries to be your BBC Sports Personality.

<A HREF=""></A>

Please forward email to others ASAP.



Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 05-12-2002

I used to do this every year. Mike, Barry, Foggy. Without being defeatist, its a waste of time. Even IF there were enought votes, do you think the Beeb would allow it?
Mike (the old cynic!)

Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 05-12-2002

Truth be told,biking and bike sport is a minority "niche" pastime, raising nary a blip on the public conciousness. And it's none the worse for that.Most people I know haven't got a clue where the Isle of Man is....Imagine how crowded it would get, and even more expensive it would be if it actually got fashionable?

Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 05-12-2002

I know what you mean, Tonto. we get the fashion followers coming to the Superbike round...wouldn't know a bike from a prada handbag, but its the place to be seen. Imagine them crowding out Bushy's!
I never tell any of them about Ardnamurchan either! They'd probably think it was a malt.

Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 05-12-2002

If it was, I'd buy a bottle....

Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 06-12-2002

Imagine these poseurs bringing their hooters to the Southern or the TT could be frightening for the sheep or the farmers cattle,leave them where they like going boring Donnington!

Re: Please vote for David Jeffries to be your BBC - Anonymous - 06-12-2002

Its horrible finding their half used lipsticks in the bogs when you are trying to squeeze into your leathers, and as for the mess their spikey heels make in the paddock...and that's the men!