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Gorse Lea marshal in action - Printable Version

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Gorse Lea marshal in action - cargo - 14-07-2007

We who marshal at Gorse Lea have an easy time not much happens the occasional spectator gets him/herself into a dangerous position
and we correct him/her.

Sometimes the local wild life breaks the humdrum monotony and of course tea/coffee and a selection of fine dips help pass the long hours of

But I hear you ask are we prepared..............and the answer is ...............of course we are

We are like coiled springs ready to have the pressure lifted and to leap into action (after accessing the situation first)

It is of course a rare event that we would have to unleash our finely honed skills on a unsuspecting rider

One of our many talents is in providing riders directions on which way the course goes and as can be seen in the picture even the very best (worst?) need our help.

Picture courtesy of Trevor Lindsay's 13 year old son.........well done that boy.

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[Image: so300.jpg]

- John Foster - 14-07-2007

RR Berrie DSM is of course wearing a TTwebsite Centenary Cap, and his tabard conceals the striking Gorse Lea Marshals' badge (Always up to scratch) on his jacket. smilie

- larryd - 14-07-2007

As ever, the more you look the more you see.

Firstly, of course, where exactly was this taken?

Secondly, why is Mr Dunlop not wearing his gloves??


- Ben Oates - 14-07-2007

This was taken at Castletown corner and I would say the marshal is likely pointing out the recovery van? Not that Robert is interested - he is concentrating on the photographer!

- DCLUCIE - 14-07-2007

Actually I think DSM Berrie is just pointing the way to a splendid hostelry in Port St Mary and saying that if Robert wears somthing from 1875 he will get a free cup of tea. You can just hear him saying 'yeh but if you go straight on where you lot turn right you will get a lovely cup of tea and a cream bun'

Or is he continuing the Goarse Lea tradition of pointing out wildlife, could it be a passing Heron or maybe a Southern lesser spotted gnat. A very rare gnat and even rarer after the Southern. They can sometimes be found on the front of the bikes as they return to the paddock, although definate identification can be difficult from a splat.

- John Foster - 14-07-2007

RR Berrie DSM is saying, "Look, you plank, everybody else follows the direction sign and turns right at the lights when they come over the bridge - so don't give me that I'm Robert Dunlop cr*p. He'd know which way to go!"

- thewitch - 14-07-2007

"I'm sorry", the marshal says "but to shake hands with the Queen, you must wear gloves. Kindly take yourself hence"

- DCLUCIE - 15-07-2007

And why is he pointing with his middle finger, maybe thats why Robert is confused.

- PeterCourtney - 15-07-2007

It's like the old question - "Did he use the (w)hole finger?" "No. the one next to it!"