Thanks everyone.

Thanks everyone.
Back home, utterly exhausted. Fell asleep on the bike to Jim's great amusement.
Thanks to everyone for a fantastic time...David Griffths for letting us stay there, Gail and David for great company. Met so many of you....all amazing people...Barbara Wood, Michelle Duff, the La Piazza gang, too many to mention, and still not half the people I meant to see...missed Elwyn somehow........Where were you, Eric Corkish....
The racing! Wow....this witch is almost speechless......that should make you all laugh!
Next year the full week, at least.
If you were not there...get planning... see you there next year.
06-06-2002, 12:51 PM

Re: Thanks everyone.
Welcome home Helen, back to the land of the website watchers, at least its stopped raining at last !!
cheers Stella.
06-06-2002, 01:50 PM

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