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Has anyone seen if Guy Martin has entered any of the TT races , i really hope so , the guy ( no pun intended ) is fast.


I think Guy will be at the MGP as he missed out last year through injury but i am not 100% sure?


Last weeks TT press release (No.8) said that Guy Martin was by passing the MGP and doing the TT instead.


It's very, very difficult at the moment to get definite information about who is doing what at the TT and MGP this year. Guy is definitely doing the TT this year, but I don't know if he's doing the 'main' races, or restricting himself to the Production clases so that he can do the MGP.

Don't forget that you can race your Proddy bike in the Senior TT this year and still be eligible for the Manx. So how's this for a scenario - Guy gets on the rostrum in the Senior TT, then in August turns up at the Manx wearing an orange jacket ! Very unlikely, but theoretically possible. What a shame that the Senior TT has now declined so much that for many riders it is now a Practice session for the Manx. But that's another story.....


It would appear that its acceptable for a Manx G/P
rider to ride in 2 races on the same day at this years TT ,but not at the Manx,many of these guys will have raced 600 Production on friday morning and then a potential 4 lap Senior race in the afternoon,is this wise in light of all the new safety restraints ?


Hi David
It is somewhat confusing that riders are now allowed to do the 1000 proddy, then the Senior on the proddy bike and then do the MGP as well, but the rules for the MGP as a newcomer do state that you are a newcomer to the TT course not nessesarily the MGP so a rider competing in any TT race, ie proddy or Senior on poddy bike would not be eligible to enter the MGP as a newcomer, only to enter the MGP races proper. But I do agree that it is a very strange set of rules. I can't see the reasoning behind it, as a rider could enter the Proddy 1000 on a proddy R1, then the Senior on the same bike,then go and do the MGP, but cannot enter the proddy 600 then do the Junior on the same bike, and then do the MGP. Work that one out cos I can't.
Whilst I will continue to back/help any rider that wishes to do both TT and MGP, I really think its time that either they were allowed to race in all races at both events or just do the TT or MGP.
I think I'm also correct in saying that anyone who has either driven or passengered a sidecar outfit at the TT cannot do the MGP, unless they enter the classics. What advantage you could gain as a solo rider by riding a sidecar round is beyond me, but still that rule applies.
Still what do we know about it eh? ;-)



that rule about the sidecar passengers is hilarious. made my day ;-)


Hiya Russ,

As a previous sidecar passenger, you can be entered in the MGP newcomers race, example 2002: Dave Corlett - ex (at the time, now current!) Steve Sinnott passenger at the TT for years!!

Obviously it's within the rules... but, go figure ;-)

Incidentally, I don't think a sidecar driver can be entered as a newcomer.




You;re right there, but that makes it even more confusing doesn't it? Bloody rules eh?


Plus a Classic lap as well !!!


Guy is doing a full TT - no Manx, although he has had an offer of a really trick Classic bike so you never know. I think he is Number 25 in all races.

As for the ruling for the sidecar competitors, you can still do the Manx on a solo if you have passengered at the TT, Dave Corlett is one obvious example, Brian Kneale another maybe not so obvious.

But drivers can't which I find strange. I know Glyn Jones wants to do the solo races at the Manx again but they won't let him, and the legendry Dave Molyneux who happens to be a massive Manx GP fan by the way, wants to do it on a 400, but they won't let him either!
