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New Manufacturers Award also launched with backing from motorcycle manufacturers

The Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Leisure, promoters of the TT Races today announced a new championship format for the 2009 TT races. Points will be awarded to the first fifteen riders in the Superbike, Scottish Life International Superstock, Relentless Supersport and the Senior TT Races. The rider with the highest points total across all five races on the Mountain Circuit will receive the coveted Joey Dunlop TT Champion Trophy and a cheque for £10,000.

On last year’s results, Australian Cameron Donald would have emerged overall champion with John McGuinness runner-up by virtue of count-back with his Dainese Senior Race victory from Ryan Farquhar who finished in third place overall with the same number of points as McGuinness.

A similar trophy and prizes will also be contested by the sidecar crews. Nick Crowe and Mark Cox would have been overall champions last year, with wins in both Sure Mobile Sidecar races, with Holden and Winkle runner up and newcomer Tim Reeves and Patrick Farrance finishing third overall.

Two new Manufacturer Award’s will also be awarded to the most successful manufacturer overall in the solo and sidecar races. There will be a points system similar to that operated in other motorcycle events such as Moto GP, WSBK and BSB.

Philip Neil, Team Manger of Relentless Suzuki by TAS Racing commented:

“These awards are a great inititiative and I’m sure will be fiercely contested. Everyone at Relentless Suzuki by TAS Racing will be doing all we can to win the awards.”

Martyn Quayle, MHK, Minister for Tourism and Leisure, commented:

“The idea behind these awards is to build the excitement of the TT throughout the week, with an overall leaderboard calculated after every race. The award will also recognise the riders and manufacturers who have performed consistently throughout the week.”

The Isle of Man TT races are currently experiencing renewed interest and 2008 saw some of the most competitive races in the event’s history with 9 different riders featuring on the podium out of the five Mountain Circuit races and one of the closest Senior races in TT history, eventually won by defending champion John McGuinness.

TT Races Schedule

Practices week runs from Saturday 30th May to Friday 5th June.

The race calendar is as follows:

Saturday 6th June 2008:

Superbike TT Race
Sure Mobile Sidecar TT Race 1

Monday 8th 2008:

Scottish Life International Superstock TT Race
Relentless Supersport Junior TT Race 1

Wednesday 10th June 2008:

Relentless Supersport Junior TT Race 2
Sure Mobile Sidecar TT Race 2

Friday 12th June 2008:

Honda Racing 50th Anniversary Parade Lap
Senior TT Race

Billown TT Races

Saturday 13th June 2008:

Lightweight TT Race
Ultra Lightweight TT Race

Championship points are awarded to the first 15 riders on the following basis: 1st: 25 points; 2nd: 20; 3rd: 16; 4th: 13; 5th: 11; 6th: 10; 7th: 9; 8th: 8; 9th: 7; 10th: 6; 11th: 5; 12th: 4; 13th: 3; 14th: 2; 15th: 1.


I think I like this points idea.

I've tried to be my cynical old self but have failed........................ it really is a very clever idea........................
A really good idea, this will have fans around the course totting up scores through the week and it could spring some surprises and hold peoples interest!

The final presentation on Senior day may take some organisation though?
Gives potential for the man (or woman) who finishes 7th in every race to win on points. I think this is a good thing.
The best ideas are often the simplest ones, and I think this is a really good one to increase competition and make the races even more competitive. It will also add a lot of interest and excitement for the punters round the course. The only possible downside I can see is that it could lead to a temptation to continue a race on a malfunctioning bike if points and big money are at stake.