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Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 11-08-2002

On Thursday this week it will be 20 years since we lost Jock Taylor.
On 6th October, the Kirkcaldy Club will be celebrating his life with a spectacular event. The Jock Taylor Memorial sidecar races have been held every year since his death, and have brought some of the greatest names in racing to Knockhill.
This year it will be a round of the European Championships, and there will be some wonderful guests.
Steve Webster was at Knockhill for the BSB a few weeks ago, and is looking forward to being there.
The Club are anxious to contact anyone who was involved in Jock's racing career, to make sure everyone is there. If they haven't managed to reach you, and you are one of these lucky people, email me and I will pass on your details.
This is a date for your diary... a weekend to remember.
5th and 6th October...Knockhill...BE THERE!
Limited beds at the Coven now!!

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 11-08-2002

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 11-08-2002

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 12-08-2002

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 12-08-2002

Time flies.............I remember a great weekend at Silverstone when Jock and Benga had time to show my young son all over their outfit and my son still has the pictures........Jock was so helpful even though he was racing that weekend, 1979 I think.....

Where is Benga now ? anyone know his whereabouts please ?? Will he be at the "Meeting for Jock" ??

Thank you

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 12-08-2002

Ian when researching the BSN article on Jock, Benga was reputed to be living in England with Tom Weatcrofts Daughter, led also to believe he runs a deer farm near Donnington....hope this helps.

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 12-08-2002

Benga is back in Sweden again, but he will maybe be at the event . It is going to be a sidecar weekend to remember, Ian...first come first served for accomodation at the Coven Garden.......

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 13-08-2002

Oh how time has flown past.We only live a few miles from the peacefull graveyard where Jock lies and go to visit him a couple of times during the year, a lovely headstone with a picture of Jock on the sidecar. Forever in our hearts and memories, Jock Taylor.

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

I don't mean to be funny but how is it going to be a sidecar weekend to remember?

A sidecar to remember has to include a good race for a start. As far as I can see it will be a poor entry. For starters the best riders won't be there! If Webster goes he won't be trying, if he did he would lap the very poor scottish field.

If the Jock Taylor race is to survive they should run it at a different circuit. Knockhill should be scrapped! The organisation stinks and it is far to pricey. BSB have swapped it for Mondello and Rockingham (2 rounds) and TOCA has dumped it also. The meeting is no longer a credit to Jock Taylors name. If they get good grid together I will take my hat off but I bet they don't. If Duncan Hendry and people like that are anywhere near the grid is poor and should be swapped for an F2 grid afterall it is the only really competitive class. I don't like to say that but it is the harsh truth.

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 14-08-2002


Pity Knockhill has lost its BSB round,I seen the highlights on TV and the racing was good.The Scottish fans and riders are going to miss out now.
Money talks ..suppose if the French wanted a BSB round and offered enough money they would get one.

I wonder will the riders get get help with expense to get to Ireland ?

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

Re: Jock Taylor - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

A message for Mick - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

Michael, as a member of a sidecar racing dynasty, you know better than most that there is more to sidecars than three wheels on the tar.
Not only was Jock a great rider, he was a lovely guy. This meeting is dedicated to his memory.
The Kirkcaldy Club was his Club, and this particular event is being organised by people who knew and loved him, and who are trying to include people from all over who want to remember and celebrate a much missed friend.
I have no particular preference for Knockhill, but it is the appropriate circuit, as it was his home circuit (not East Fortune, for reasons we won't go into)
Formula 2 is, as you know, dear to my heart, but Jock did not race F2.
Steve Webster, and a host of others will be there in tribute to Jock. I for one will be delighted to see him, and will have a weekend of sheer delight talking to all the people who plan to come to share the'll be there in spirit, Jock...I know you will.
Forget the gripes, Mick, and enter into the spirit of celebration and happiness that we knew such a great guy...even if it was for far too short a time.

Re: A message for Mick - Anonymous - 14-08-2002

nice one helen! by the way, are you still gonna do that article you promised us on jock?