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Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

In view of what has been observed on this Board over the past few days, I think we could all do with having a read at the following.

* No matter what group you are in, someone will always make you mad.

* No matter what group you are in, you will always make someone else mad.

* Being online shouldn't be any different than real life.

* That said, it *is* different than real life, so get used to it.

* Attacking a statement is OK. Attacking a person is not. The former is the basis of all debate and discussion. The latter is a cheap shot.

* Always reread a post before making it final. Make sure you said what you meant to say.

* Don't be afraid to write a post detailing exactly how you feel--and then hitting the cancel button. It helps you vent, but you don't drag on the flame war.

* Don't be afraid to walk away from a conversation going south. Many people refuse to do this, thinking that backing down is a sign of weakness. Trust that people can evaluate what has been written for themselves. Also trust that nothing you write to continue a flame war (as opposed to a discussion) is likely to change anyone's opinion of you, except perhaps to make it worse.

* If you really don't like where you are hanging out, then leave. No one is forcing you to read someone else's posts, and no one is forcing you to write a nasty message in response.

* You are extremely unlikely to end up changing someone else's view on a topic, particularly if that topic is politics or religion.

* There are some truly remarkable and fascinating people out there, if you take the time to listen and learn.

* Realize that even the best of us have bad days.

Re: Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

Thank you, Malcolm. I have read carefully...wise words from our sage leader!

Re: Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

Yes very well put Malcolm !

Some get carried away, it makes you wonder
what makes some people so stressed to be writing
such stuff that they do, whether it be work or
personal stuff. Still there are better ways,
like take up running or doing something at the
local gym to get rid all the anger than taking
up anger in writing such postings !
I've heard the saying don't get angry, get even !
But one shouldn't really use the board for a
slanging match with words.

Re: Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

Malcolm you said

Realize that even the best of us have bad days.

Speak for yourself mate ;-)

Just kidding hope alls well with you.Cheers

Re: Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

Mmmmm..... taken it on board Malcolm but they haven`t made me a "saint" yet ;0)
Should maybe change me name to Mother Theresa...............

Re: Recent Postings - Anonymous - 28-01-2004

Nothing much wrong with Stella, girl!