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ACU wins prestigious award - Printable Version

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ACU wins prestigious award - David Griffiths - 01-04-2006

- ade! - 01-04-2006

------and i'm sitting on the beach in bermuda, having just had a good seeing to by beyonce knowles Big Grin
nice one david!

- Tel - 01-04-2006

And they have invited Shaun Harris over to present it. Lol Err what date is it? lol

- Hilary M - 01-04-2006

Who voted for them David?JP?
Best one yet,just goes to show they can make you laugh.If it wasn't Christmas day,I'd think it was April 1st Lol Lol Lol Lol

- thewitch - 01-04-2006

Oh, David, you have excelled yourself. Well worth waiting for...of course, it was Hilary and Don nominated them.

- David Griffiths - 01-04-2006

For the benefit of any ACU officials reading my original posting who actually believe that my gushing praise is genuine (and I wouldn't put it past some of them!), I feel that I should point out that it was in fact an April Fool. In order to express my feelings about the way you run your organisation, I have resorted to the lowest form of humour - undiluted sarcasm!

- Tomcat - 03-04-2006

PMSL, very good, you quite had me going there for a while Lol

- Chris Maybury - 03-04-2006

What a geat British institution.

I'le take back all I said about them.
No............I said that all wrong. I will bring up all the things we have had to swallow. smilie