Position not available for me
Shaun Harris Offline
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Position not available for me
Shaun Harris here mate, hope this finds you in good health.

I am contacting you regarding racing and the TT meeting. I am extremelly interested in becoming a part of the building, running, planning of the races in the future.

As a rider with 13 years experience at the TT, I under stand a lot of things about this meeting that many do not, or cannot understand.

I have Grand Prix team management behind me, as well as being my own manager for my entire race carrer, as well as being a buisness owner here in New Zealand.

I could see myself in a role, that would be aimed at the riders, ie, safety officer, riders spokes person etc, rider training for the newer riders to the course, I really have a lot offer in this potentuall role. I am a team player, and would do what ever is required to make this happen, and to help the future of the TT races, it would be an honour to be involved, even clerk of the course roll would be great!

It has been proven to me, that the safety side of the course, ie, where and the way that bails are being placed on the track, leaves a lot to be desired for rider safety. You may recall me, pointing out the fact, that windy corner had no bails on first day of practice? I have spoken directly to 2 riders that were seriously hurt, like myself, mainly due to the bails moving and not stopping the rider from colliding with solid walls etc. I trully believe, that if I was given the role of helping to make the TT course safer for riders, I could do a very good job.

I am totally focused on making this happen, I love the event, and want to take a part in helping make the future of it better and safer for all concerned. My wife is very serious about moving to the Isle of Man on a permenant basis, and I am also commited to such a change in life.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

Guess I now know the out come of this request to help
17-11-2007, 12:45 AM
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Kev from RRS.Com Offline

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I'm sorry you didn't even get a reply to this Shaun :shock:

At the very least, you should have received an acknowledgement :?

I mean, it's not as though they don't know who you are :?:

Those that do don't, and those that don't, do
17-11-2007, 12:05 PM
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Shaun have you ever heard the saying, never sleep with the snakes that bit you. Well guess what the TT has been handed back to the ACU so it looks like those in power are getting back into bed with the snakes.

Can we have a lotto on what expences the ACU will claim from the TT :oops:
17-11-2007, 01:44 PM
Don Simons Away
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Dear Mr. Harris,

Thank you for your application of the 17th of Nov. 2007 regarding the non-existent position of Safety Officer.
Whilst acknowledging your contribution to the success and popularity of the TT over the years as well as your knowledge and in some cases direct contact with the Mountain Course, there were contra-reasons persuading us that your offer must be refused in this instance.
To be more specific these reasons are:
1. Unfortunately you are a Colonial and in particular a New Zealander, if you had been an Australian it would have weighed heavily in your favour.
2. You are far too well informed as to the internal running of this event to remain objective.
3. Your annoying habit of telling the truth.
4. Your hair colouring which would clash with our corporate identity and logo.
5. Many of your known associates and sympathisers appear in the black books of the ACU or DTL.
6. You have too much hands-on practical business experience to fulfill a government sponsored position.
7. Your small number of serious injuries we consider to be insufficient for such a responsible position.
8. We have not forgotten those T-Shirts.
9. You do not fit our profile of young gun, go getters, breath of fresh air, new wave generation. Multiple TT winners are a bit old hat now; they have brought in the crowds for 100 years but now is the age of the newcomers, virgins if you like.

We trust that we have your understanding and appreciate that we did take 10 minutes out of our busy schedule to consider your unacceptable request.

Yours Faithfully,

XXXX XXXXXXX (name withheld for personal safety)

Junior Clerk
Rest in Peace Don Simons 1942 - 2012
17-11-2007, 01:57 PM
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Kev from RRS.Com Offline

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PMSL @ Don :wink:

Excellent matey Smile

Those that do don't, and those that don't, do
17-11-2007, 02:32 PM
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sticky Offline
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I've always maintained that the Clerk of the Course should be someone with proper racing experience on the TT course. I don't see how you can possibly make important decisions without that behind you. I also think the job needs someone who can stand his ground and speak his mind. Cue Shaun? :wink:
17-11-2007, 03:44 PM
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The Bag Offline
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Hi Shaun
1 or 2 of your fatal errors in your applicaion have already been pointed out, but also to add to that you mention
'team player',
'riders interests',
'bringing problems/ potential hazards to the attention of people in charge',

you also mention you are ' a rider with considerable experience'
you also showed a sense of humour offering to be clerk of the course,
and finally you mentioned ' talking to riders!!!!'
you surely cannot have been seriously expecting to get the job when you sent in such a ludicrous letter did you??? :shock: Lol
Hope things are going well for you back in NZ Big Grin
Meanwhile back on planet earth..........
17-11-2007, 06:40 PM
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twostroker Offline

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The Bag for Clerk of the Course, ably assisted by the Scone Ranger.
17-11-2007, 08:25 PM
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Fitz Offline

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They forgot to mention that you are an ugly ginger b*****d! Lol
18-11-2007, 11:54 AM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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Dom Simons, I am still laughing mate, brilliant!! Lol
18-11-2007, 08:38 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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The Bag Wrote:Hi Shaun
1 or 2 of your fatal errors in your applicaion have already been pointed out, but also to add to that you mention
'team player',
'riders interests',
'bringing problems/ potential hazards to the attention of people in charge',

you also mention you are ' a rider with considerable experience'
you also showed a sense of humour offering to be clerk of the course,
and finally you mentioned ' talking to riders!!!!'
you surely cannot have been seriously expecting to get the job when you sent in such a ludicrous letter did you??? :shock: Lol
Hope things are going well for you back in NZ Big Grin

Hey Bag, things are going very well for me with healing mate, I actually attempted running the other day!
19-11-2007, 12:37 AM
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Shaun Harris Wrote:Dom Simons, I am still laughing mate, brilliant!! Lol

I don't believe it a Kiwi and a Aussie being nice to each other
19-11-2007, 12:53 AM
MV Offline
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Own up Don, you showed your sensitivity and had second thoughts
about posting this!
Sensitive, Don?
Surely not!
19-11-2007, 10:00 AM
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Don Simons Away
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Yes, I did bounce it off a few usually reliable friends and they said, "post it". But they are not to be trusted and have been known to push me over the edge on occasions.
The fact is, that when faced with a common enemy (such as the Pomms) we ANZACS stick together. When a New Zealander calls OZ an off-shore island it is just a term of endearment. We are forced to admit that they did get to the top of Everest first and their Pa Wa soup is passable but this is mainly to reduce the future shock when they become the seventh state of Australia. What a Rugby team we would have then!
[Image: 42-Below-story.jpg]
We do have common interests.
Rest in Peace Don Simons 1942 - 2012
19-11-2007, 02:24 PM
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Is that a spear-throwing agitator I see? Perhaps you have something in common with the Norn Irish too?
19-11-2007, 02:42 PM
Shaun Harris Offline
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O, it now appears that I was wrong!

The email address I sent my application to was actually the mans old personell one

He did contact me about it, and he did give me a name and a different email address for this person, but also suggested that they could talk about it on my behalf

As this person had said in the email to me, that they could discuss it for me, I guess I am guilty of assuming that this man new my passion for the TT races, and that his role is also very important there, that he would have forwarded my application onto the correct dept in there own industry, knowing exactually how passionate about the TT races I am.

Maybe I should have known better than to assume that one dept would talk to another dept
19-11-2007, 09:15 PM
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Stella Offline
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Don`t profess to understand the why`s n wherefors of the IOM, but if i had a racer of your talent and experience, both good and not so good ( as last years accident) i would have thought at the very least a reply would have been in order even for nothing less out of good manners ? :?

Just read your edit, did they not think they would understand the accent ??? :wink:

oh nuff said perhaps ..... Big Grin
19-11-2007, 09:18 PM
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MV Offline
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I SO agree with YOU Stella!
Its a disgrace that Shaun didnt at least get a reply
19-11-2007, 09:28 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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MV Wrote:I SO agree with YOU Stella!
Its a disgrace that Shaun didnt at least get a reply

In fair ness to some one! I did get a reply as per my above post.
19-11-2007, 09:40 PM
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