Assistance Please

Assistance Please
In my notes for TT 1964 I find that Alan Shepherd is down in the information section as having ridden an MV in the Junior---

Nick Harris's TT book also relates this but I cannot remember if this was so................

Can anyone clarify this please...
Also did Jim Redman race a Ducati just before he signed on with Honda ??
05-12-2003, 09:10 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Ian, the 1964 programme have Alan Shepard down as riding 350cc M.Z. As he was under contract with M Z doubt if he changed to M V
05-12-2003, 09:42 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Further look at the lap score card and note that the machine was declared as a 251cc M.Z.
05-12-2003, 09:46 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Alan Shepherd retired on the second lap of the 1964 Junior; I think he was laying second at the time.
Jim Redman rode a 125 'Barcone' Ducati before he took up with Honda. this machine now resides in the US of A, and the current owner would like to find out more information about it. I gather that Mike Hailwood rode (and fell off it at my feet) in the 1960 Ultra Lightweight at Glen Helen.
06-12-2003, 12:14 AM

Re: Assistance Please
I could be wrong but the distant memory bank tells me that although Alan Shepherd was offered MV's for the 64 TT he could not get his oil contract changed to suit both MZ and his UK sponsor. Sorry I would have to look this one up in my old volumes of "Motor Cycle" to be exact, but I seem to recall this being the issue.
Incidentally Alan Shephed, who was in my opinion, one of the finest riders to race the TT, worked for the family firm,Allan Jefferies Motor Cycles for a while in 1956/57. I can just remember him arriving for work on his Gold Star with it in racing trim, and leaning it against the wall outside the workshop as it had no stand. I would then whiff the sweet aroma of Castrol R for a moment or two.Ah pleasant memories.
Sadly I understand that Alan is in very poor shape presently, as the result of a stroke. I do not know the exact sitation, but it doesn't sound very promising. Anyone out there who does know?
07-12-2003, 11:40 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Thank you, Nick, for your information....Deeper reading of my scrawled notes for that year does show that indeed Alan WAS offered an MV....
It is Nick Harris's book of the TT which has confused us - He states that Alan "rode" an MV that year..Must be a slip of the finger..

I'm sad to hear Alan is not so fit, I too remember him but as a MZ rider when the team were based at the Fernleigh, behind the Falcon Cliff...

08-12-2003, 11:40 AM

Re: Assistance Please
I'm sorry to hear about Alan Shepherd's present condition. Mention of his name leads me to don my TT anorak and state that I think he was the first rider ever to be airlifted to hospital by the rescue helicopter. I think the accident was at School House Corner in Ramsey, possibly around 1963. Can any of you TT historians out there confirm or deny this ?
08-12-2003, 11:11 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Dont think that quite right David.It was milnetown cottage or schoolhouse corner but if my memory serves me right it was Tony Godfrey[a great unassuming guy] on the works Yamaha.In those days,1964 i believe, they could only afford the helicopter for race week.Practice accidents had to wait for the ambulance
08-12-2003, 11:42 PM

Re: Assistance Please
Just looked up the year it was 1963
08-12-2003, 11:51 PM

Re: Assistance Please
And it was Tony Godfrey!

I believe the gearbox seized on the works 250 Yamaha.
09-12-2003, 12:20 AM

Re: Assistance Please
Thanks guys, and I stand corrected on the rider involved - it was indeed Tony Godfrey. But I did get the year and the place right, and two out of three ain't bad I suppose....
10-12-2003, 11:17 PM

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