Re ades question below ref my first race

Re ades question below ref my first race
Since you asked I've managed to arrange my holidays so as to be at every road race in the north this year starting with Cookstown and Tandragee.
I'll also be able to get to one or two southern centre races as well but I've not decided which ones yet.
I'll only be doing support races so I'll only get the chance to ride both bikes at those races that have seperate 250/400 and 400/750 support races.
Also I've entered two races at the Manx one on each bike.
I also very happy to say that I've just been bought a new helment by some very generous friends. This plus lots of free hair dye???? is the only sponsorship I'll have this year. And it's the only sponsorship I WANT.
After the antics of two certain gentlemen last year Mr Honda himself could offer me a works bike and I'd tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine.

19-04-2005, 08:30 PM

Re: Re ades question below ref my first race
can i look forward to seeing you at skerries? all i wanted to know really :-]
20-04-2005, 12:10 AM

Re: Re ades question below ref my first race
Nothng I like more than a good old fashioned rant it's been a long time.

Sadly Ade it is very unlikely that I'll be at Skerries I'm working Thursday, Friday and Saturday night that week.
You never know maybe I'll win the lottery or something?
20-04-2005, 09:33 AM

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