TTWebsite gathering 31st May
MV Offline
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Sallped wrist.

Sorry cargo, you are right!
...and what a comtribution, too!
This evening had to be a hightlight of the fortnight.
Oh, and WHAT a fortnight?!
Thank you one and all and Godspeed home.
Chatting on here through the year will be even more fun now!!

10-06-2006, 07:55 AM
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GriffMuss Offline
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I would like to add my 'thank- you' to Malcolm for a great evening and
to Helen for organising us all !
It was great to meet you all and hope some of you come back for the
'real road racing' at the MANX GP!?
How about it Helen ? Another meet ? MGP WEEK!
It was so good to meet Jan & Justine Grainger and we hope to meet again,
what great ladies they were. And they even made the effort to come to
see me at my first practise before going to catch their plane!
Safe journey home guys, eventually when they finish their tour of the uk!

Malcolm don't forget the TT WEBSITE stickies !! TA
11-06-2006, 10:40 PM
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charlie hulse Offline
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Only got back last night so just catching up now. At least my computer missed me !!!

Great to meet everyone at the DO! Larry and Jane, Bill and his good lady(sorry forgot your name) :oops: Cargo, Jan and Justine,(they kept popping up everywhere) Gail and Dave, Mike and Pam, Ian and not forgetting our hosts Malcolm and Helen

Sorry if I have missed you in the name checks, memory, :? its an age thing.

Roll on 2007

Youth is wasted on the under forties !
12-06-2006, 03:48 PM
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Bill Snelling Offline
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MGP runners
Three actually, my claim to fame is having started first in the first Newcomers Race! - didn't finish there.
Pat and I look forward to seeing most of you at the Manx.
The TT results book is being worked on, hopeto have it to the printers asap, it will be available from the Manx MCC office, more details when we have it to hand.
13-06-2006, 01:06 PM
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Jan Grainger Offline
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Almost over jet lag, just trying to catch up with all my messages and these postings. Well, what can I say, a simply fabulous night, one which I will never forget. Thank you so much Malcolm and Helen. Special thanks to Ian, he made sure we were welcomed over Manx Radio and it was also great to hear this website mentioned on the radio as well. I wore my scarf very, very proudly throughout the week. You are all such wonderful people. Friends for life. Justine had a great time too. Thank you all so very much. Maybe I'll be back in a couple of years. Who knows what life has in store for us, eh.
05-07-2006, 11:18 AM
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