TT or MGP 2? - a sad day

TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
I feel very sad this morning.
The TT does seem to me, at least, to be self destructing.
I have been determined to keep going regardless
of horrendous cost, while there is a TT to go to!
However, as others have pointed out, more and more star names and big teams are pulling out.
I have a struggle making ends meet, financially just now (yes, I know, "dont we all!") due to a
house move last July. Since the move, I have been carrying on planning for the TT and looking forward to it while wondering where the money was coming from!
But, I sadly feel that things are now getting so bad that I cannot justify the cost of travel and accommodation that the TT incurs. The fact is, the draw is no longer strong enough. I never thought that this day would come, but I bet I am by no means alone in this.
I will, of course, lose money in deposits, but it is a case of cutting losses.

If you are reading this Mr Cretney et al, think on

Mike Vickers

15-01-2004, 10:07 AM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Mike, Mr Cretney is doing his best. He got rid of the Awful Cycle Union!
There should be some good racing this year with the likes of Martin Finnegan,
Adrian Archibald,John McGuinness,
Ian Lougher,Sean Harris,Bruce Anstey,Robert Dunlop, Ryan Farquhar,
Richard Britton to name only a few in no particular order.
It is a pain that the Isle of Man is an island and it adds to the cost we all find
difficult to justify and I hope your situation improves and you will reconsider and return in the future.
Perhaps someone on the board could put you up if you could get over.
Remember it may take a couple of years to overcome the recriminations of 2003 but it is
headed in the right direction now and let us hope everyone will get behind it.

15-01-2004, 10:48 AM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
At last a NON doom and gloom merchant. I'm glad you mentioned all those riders. How can anyone say it's not worth going because Moodie isn't there. Top riders will always replace "famous" top riders. After all how did they become famous in the first place.
The posting prior to this looked as though it was written in the late 70's. At least people are recognising problems and trying to do something about it. (Even though I disagree strongly with the 4 lappers).
The problem of cost is not a new thing (I moan about it as much as anyone) but if you want to watch the best road racing in the world then unfortunately you have to put up.
15-01-2004, 01:27 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
I think Billy misunderstood.
I was not preaching doom and gloom!!
and I did keep going right through the 70s when
things got bleak.

In my opinion, it is fading from BEING the greatest road races in the world.

My financial situation is such that going to the
TT this year may be a financial factor in me losing my nice new house.

My question is, is it really an event worth making a sacrifice for any longer?
I know most of the riders do this every year!
But I have the right to vote with my feet and I have to decide.

By the way, I havent yet taken any action to cancel!!
Its too hard!!

Mike Vickers
15-01-2004, 03:37 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Sadly the TT can no longer stand up to being a two week event, something has to give and that is shorten the event to just over a week 3days of pratice and three race days
16-01-2004, 12:11 AM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Don't lose your house Mike.
But do promise to go back next year! It will still be there.
16-01-2004, 12:57 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Thanks Billy!
No decsion made YET!
Been going since 67 and ahrad habit to break
16-01-2004, 01:50 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
How much would it take, Mike?
16-01-2004, 09:30 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Isn't it just.
I missed 86 and stood at the ferry terminal in Liverpool watching the bikes loading and feeling gutted.
16-01-2004, 10:21 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
Decision made...
We are going!
It may have to be practice week only.

You lot didnt help!! ;-)

Mike Vickers
19-01-2004, 12:09 PM

Re: TT or MGP 2? - a sad day
See you there!!!
19-01-2004, 12:35 PM

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