Recent Postings

Recent Postings
I have been in the air for the past 24 hours and have just arrived home to see what has been posted on this site by people who are supposedly in love with this sport. I am shocked, dismayed and upset.

I cannot condone what has been stated on here in various postings, and it is obvious that personal feelings have had a lot to do with what has been said. That in itself is ok, but surely a modicum of decorum is warranted when making postings on a public Bulletin Board that is being read by people all over the world.

It is fine by me, to allow postings of a personal nature, but when a slanging match or downright abusiveness is openly displayed, then I have to question the freedom of the facility that I provide to you , the public.

DJ was magic for the TT, so was Mad Dog, they have both left the TT now, under different circumstances. Why can you not all appreciate these men for what they were - brave & brilliant. They have gone, will no longer grace the roads of this Island and will always be remembered for what they achieved and how they achieved it. It is all in the reords for posterity and will never be forgotten

Accidents happen, and at the TT whenever an accident happens it is always "who was to blame", "why did it happen", "who was at fault", and of course people will always try to define the root cause of any incident where a hero loses his life. "Blame" will always be subjected to conjecture and public discussion, however irrespective of personal feelings, face it - 99.9% of the losses at the TT are down to miscalculation and errors of judgement. Apart from of course loose horses being a contributing factor in one particular incident. (Mind you that was the MGP I think). (Additional comment - I stand corrected, of course it was the TT).

We have lost too many heros this year, people who should be revered by everyone and remembered for what they were - The Best at what they did.

Shut the f*uck up about who and what was to blame and remember these people with the highest regard. They were your hero's and do you think that they would condone the kind of discussion that has gone before on here ??

22nd 10:00 - The referenced thread has been removed.
22-08-2003, 01:18 AM

Re: Recent Postings
Total agreement at this end..But feelings ARE running high...This Has been an accident fraught year and no mistake....

By the way horse incident was TT--Eugene McDonnell at the run in to Ballaugh Bridge....
22-08-2003, 08:09 AM

Re: Recent Postings
Well said Malcolm.

Could that thread not be removed in its entirety?

Ian's right about the horse -- I was out in that race and won't forget. I didn't ride the TT again after that . . . . . . . .
22-08-2003, 09:05 AM

Re: Recent Postings
I agree 100% I read the postings over and over and my fingers hovered over the keyboard ready to respond but I thought better of it and decided I did not wish to get involved in this one.

And no one likes a bloody good argument better than me. Erase the postings and lets move on and hope someone can get a good argy bargy going that does not involve personal abuse and foul language and a terrrible tragedy, we ain't football players and supporters.
22-08-2003, 09:37 AM

Re: Recent Postings
You will also note that after a short concise bad-language-free comment, I also preferred to stay out of the out-of-control string----
Leave it on but lets not repeat it .

Further to the virus situation, does it mean that Nick Jefferies and John Foster and others need to update their virus blockers....

Please advise
22-08-2003, 10:58 AM

Re: Recent Postings
Thankyou Malcolm.
22-08-2003, 11:56 AM

Re: Recent Postings
Being a football supporter , i think that you shouldnt tar everybody with the same brush , judging by the behavior of some people on here you shouldnt throw stones too far.
22-08-2003, 12:27 PM

Re: Recent Postings
Yes your right my apologies, some of the postings were apalling
22-08-2003, 03:21 PM

Re: Recent Postings
Cheers , now can we all get on with the job of enjoying the Manx ?
22-08-2003, 04:19 PM

Re: Recent Postings
Firstly, welcome back Malcolm, I still don't know how you can manage this worthy site with all your travelling.
"When the Cat's Away, The Mice Will Play"
I have a different working week where I live and closed down early rather than continue to read the nastyness that was put our by "Friends".
Lets all look forward to normality again.
23-08-2003, 09:42 AM

Re: Recent Postings
Thank you, Malcolm, its great to have you back. Hope to see you while you're here.
23-08-2003, 09:42 AM

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