Andrew Shaw - Photographer

Andrew Shaw - Photographer
Sad news; Andy Shaw, photographer at the Scottish Circuits during the seventies and eighties, passed away peacefully during the early hours of Thursday morning.
Many a rider has an 'Andy photo' adorning their wall, and his contribution to Scottish racing should not go unmentioned. He had been unwell of late, and had been sad to miss last season's Jock Taylor 20th Anniversary meeting at Knockhill, where he would have met up with many of his old friends for the first time in almost twenty years.
He leaves behind a legacy of quality photographs which I will do my best to have published as a tribute to his skill and love of the sport.
Our thoughts are with his family, who will be happy to see the old faces at the Kirkcaldy Crematorium on Tuesday at 1.30pm for a last farewell.
R.I.P. Andy.
24-04-2003, 12:57 PM

Never put off till tomorrow
I am so sad to hear Andrew has died. I am so angry at myself for not going to visit him when I could. I kept putting it off, and now its too late.
We had many a funny incident, and many long, happy, and sometimes argumentative discussions as we took photographs at East Fortune, Kirkcaldy and Knockhill all those years ago.
I am sure he would still smirk about the time that he and Martin Poole, cameras in hand, puzzled me as they failed to go for pictures of a scrapping bunch at the Esses at EF.
I carefully focussed, trotting backwards all the while, ....and fell unceremoniously in a hole they had noticed a few feet behind us.
Either Andy or Martin took a photo of the incident, oblivious to the racing...nice guys both!!
There have been a few very good motorcycle sport photographers in Scotland...Andrew, you were definitely one of the best.

24-04-2003, 02:25 PM

Re: Andrew Shaw - Photographer
Being honest Jake, I never knew Andrew. However, I did hear his name mentioned on more that one occasion when I first started going about the circuits. Condolences to his family and friends.

Harvey T.

24-04-2003, 10:25 PM

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