thoughts for JEFFRIES,his family and his team

thoughts for JEFFRIES,his family and his team
My thoughts go out to Dave JEFFRIES who I have watched race many times in the NW200 in the land of ULSTER.
JEFFRIES joines those who have been died doing the one thing that they lived for and he will be greatly missed by all, he was a thrill to watch and really was prepaired to ride on the limit.
He was a true Gladiator of his chosen sport and a man who we could only watch in amazement as he did what he did best.
We must remember his bravory and remember also that without men such as JEFFRIES pushing the limits and the boundaries the world would be only made up of the many and never the few.
My prayers are with his family and those close to him at this time I pray that they feel our humble gratitude and thanks for giving us the fans the chance to witness a true man, a true hero and without doubt a true KING OF THE ROAD.

So to you DAVID rest in piece and enjoy the bigger race

31-05-2003, 01:31 AM

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thoughts for JEFFRIES,his family and his team - by Anonymous - 31-05-2003, 01:31 AM

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