shaun harris

shaun harris
Has shaun harris packed in racing???if he has he wont be missed.

12-09-2004, 09:29 AM

Re: shaun harris
As far as I'm aware Shaun has gone to do the winter series in NZ? What on earth do you mean by ' he won't be missed' if and when he does stop racing he will be missed by alot of people, me included, you see Shaun is probably the only top class rider who dare actually say what he means, and what is right, so many others for fear of being dropped by teams are so PC or fence sitting, that its sad. Shaun is a top class Road Racer who has the test tickles to say it how it is.
12-09-2004, 07:09 PM

Re: shaun harris
any rider who has the front to walk into the tas suzuki camp the day after their top man lost his life at TT2003 and ask for his ride for the rest of the week needs his head examined.we are used to his mouth but his actions!in my opinon!
12-09-2004, 11:42 PM

Re: shaun harris
Totally agree with you Russ, Martin wind your kneck in.
13-09-2004, 12:01 AM

Re: shaun harris
Is it my imagination, or do riders & ex-riders make more sensible comments on current competitors than do enthusiasts/spectators??
13-09-2004, 12:06 AM

Re: shaun harris
Hi Martin
I had not heard about that instance, and I certainly don't want to start a thread/debate as to wether he was right, wrong or mis timed in asking that question, if indeed he did.

Shaun does come on these sites and if he wants to comment on that situation then he will, I have my own views, I don't think I'd have the test tickles to have asked that question, but as the TAS team continued I think it was a reasonable question to ask.
Sorry if this offends anyone but thats my opinion.

13-09-2004, 08:32 AM

Re: shaun harris
Having known Shaun for many many years, I feel he is being accused of something which at the time was purely an offer to help, nothing else........

Shaun is a true professional and therefore has a right to make comments when he feels they are necessary.

Let this string now cool off, please...

13-09-2004, 03:44 PM

Re: shaun harris
Shaun is a breed of his own, hard to get on with but a man that can do the job for his sponsor. And to Martin the comment you made about Shaun asking for the TAS ride needs to be proved or retracted by yourself. As for Shaun not using these sites your wrong he always pops up for a yarn on RRR.
14-09-2004, 06:17 PM

Re: shaun harris
just repeating wots already been said on here before.i didnt know he asked for the until i read it on here.
14-09-2004, 10:31 PM

Re: shaun harris
15-09-2004, 10:00 AM

Re: shaun harris
I could not agree more with Paul's comments about Shaun Harris, he is one of the most exciting racers in recent times to take on pure road circuits and adds a much needed world class calibre presence to any race meeting he enters.
Riders who are prepared to up sticks and travel half way round the world and have the burning desire to race on road circuits (and succeed) and elsewhere do not need less informed hedgespotters and "enthusiasts" casting aspersions on character and credibility...I have nothing but respect for any of the Antipodian as well as foreign racers who do add so much colour and excitement to a race entry over here.
15-09-2004, 11:53 AM

Re: shaun harris
I like Shaun Harris. There are far too many people involved in racing who jump to the corperate policitaly correct line and bury their heads in the sand
Shaun speaks his mind and cares not a jot who that upsets we need more like him.
I for one do not believe the TAS story and seem to remember Shaun confirming that it was unture some time ago
15-09-2004, 12:00 PM

Re: shaun harris
Perhaps Shaun does come accross as a slightly outspoken, dare I say it, abrasive character but what a refreshing change that makes from the usual 'corporate' clinically clean speel we so often hear.
Good luck to him and all the best. A damn good rider.

17-09-2004, 11:10 PM

Re: shaun harris
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, all I can say is, the first time I was talking to Shaun Harris, was in either his 1st or 2nd year at the TT, And i can recall vividly him saying to me; Give me the machinery McCallen is riding, And Ill beat Him!, So I thought ; Cocky Git!, But over the years, i have seen him ride, yes, maybe not the eaisest person to work with, but certainly, seemed to get on with the job, as he proved when he got the right machinery last year, and scored victory!, If he chooses not to come back to the TT, He will be missed, as will any other competitors, Cos, ANYONE who races the TT ; Is a TT HERO!.
26-09-2004, 01:21 PM

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