
Whether anybody achieves anything male or female,
grey, blonde, red hair, false eyelashes, surely
whatever sportsperson or someone who invents
something good.....whether or not its good, there
will always be someone who doesn't agree or
begrudes that other person ! TRUE! AND not everyone is perfect ! correct?

Lets face it Russ you'll not have a pair like
watermelons will you !!? WRONG... course he will
if he wants to pay someone !!

I just thought the previous posting was going a bit off the subject of TT
to liven the board up abit, not that it needed it !! LOL
hope I haven't started something here !! LOL

Anyway to all, have a good season and go get that
achievement whatever your goal and come back, tell
us and we'll appauld you ! EVEN if its not a race what !! Nothing like bad grapes.......
than good grapes !
28-04-2005, 11:12 PM

Re: TT Entry List: ONLY 1 lady.
I might have started the ball rollin on that other tt entries thread, I didnt mean te seem as if I was criticisin you Gail at all so I ll be the first te wish you all the best in season 05.
If I achieve half as much in life I' ll be happy!

28-04-2005, 11:42 PM

Re: TT Entry List: ONLY 1 lady.
Personally I think that everyone who completes a lap of the TT course at racing speed, is a hero. Even getting as far as qualifying for the appropriate licence etc is a sign of huge talent and courage. The best folk in the world, motorcycle racers are.
29-04-2005, 11:02 AM

Re: TT Entry List: ONLY 1 lady.
How about someone who survives two weeks on Isle of Man food? Bacon baps, fish pies, stuffed potatoes and queenies, not to mention those kippers from Peel.
I deserve a bronze knife and fork replica for staying alive.
See Gail, I did not say anything misogynistic because I don't want all you women holding things against me next time I come over.

30-04-2005, 12:10 AM

Re: TT Entry List: ONLY 1 lady.
Ooh Don, you wish!Anyway,most of us here don't understand that big word.Sounds like it's from Foster's Essex dictionary!
30-04-2005, 04:34 PM

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