Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
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Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
[Image: profhughdavidson.jpg]

A TT world series could have great benefit to the Isle of Man according to Economic Development Minister Laurence Skelly.

Mr Skelly said a series of races, proposed at perhaps five different venues in winter in the southern hemisphere culminating in the June final at the Isle of Man would also promote the main TT event and raise its profile worldwide.

While the island may be packed during TT fortnight itself, the hope is that tourists could be encouraged to visit throughout the season.

‘One of the things we will get out of it is a rights or franchise fee,’ he said.

‘And the idea would be to have a profit share with the organiser of each event around the world.’

Initial investigations were done on the proposal back in 2012 and the government has spent approaching £200,000 on a report from The Sports Consultancy which thinks the plan is viable.

The idea is various countries will be able to bid for the right to host a TT race but the essence of the Isle of Man event should be preserved in that it will be at least partly run on roads, there will be an open paddock and spectators will be able to get close to the action.

‘It means we have exclusive rights to promote the Isle of Man in those destinations and the broadcast opportunities that sit along side that are also beneficial.

‘We probably can’t accommodate a lot more for the TT itself becase we are about to plateau as far as the races are concerned. But what we are trying to do is create other tourism opportunities.’

Another benefit would be the extra opportunity to sell a whole range of branded products including clothing and trinkets.

The government is currently inviting expressions of interest from organisations interested in taking over the promotion side of the event currently managed by the Department of Economic Development motorsport team.

‘The event is in the ascendancy so now is the time to take a step back,’ he said.

But he said the motorsport team will still have plenty to occupy them: ‘We will still be managing all the infrastructure in terms of staging the event in the Isle of Man, things like road maintenance and closures, co-ordinating emergency services and all the other tasks associated with running the event.’

Commenting on how likely it is to happen, Mr Skelly said:

‘We have got the level of interest and the right calibre of people interested, I can’t say who at this stage. It does suggest there is a distinct possibility but there are also a number of issues to think through. We need to protect our reputation.’

The World Series proposal is to be put to Tynwald in November.

Marketing expert Professor Hugh Davidson said he thought the idea had the potential to offer benefits to the island.

‘It’s certainly worth exploring and I think it could be big,’ he said.

‘The TT is our biggest brand and when you mention the Isle of Man to people the subject of the TT always comes up. It’s a very strong brand with international potential.’

However, he said there were definitely certain issues that would need to be addressed, not least the matter of safety in times of increasing health and safety concerns.

Moreover, there is no guarantee of success: ‘Any new project involves a risk. But the potential pay off is so great it deserves some investment. If it didn’t work, I don’t think the people behind it should be castigated.’

The key thing will be to use and promote the same brand name, the same logo: ‘The event has tremendous history and heritage from the past 100 years and we can take advantage of that.’

[Image: iomtodaynewlogo.jpg]

By John Turner
28-01-2015, 11:09 AM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
When you first saw an Elephant in a Uk wildlife park did you get the urge to visit India?
28-01-2015, 11:19 AM
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V Twin Mechanic Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Mr Skelly, do you, the DED, your advisors and anybody else that thinks that the "proposed" TT World series has a future, live in the "real" world ?. I would like to know what the TT organizing committee think of this proposal /
28-01-2015, 11:26 AM
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c iom tt Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
This is just more 'Emperor's Clothes'
They have talked and spent themselves into a position where they have to put a positive spin on it.
I have the 'Potential' to be Prime Minister, but that is not going to happen either.

If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse
28-01-2015, 12:02 PM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
"But he said the motorsport team will still have plenty to occupy them: ‘We will still be managing all the infrastructure in terms of staging the event in the Isle of Man, things like road maintenance and closures, co-ordinating emergency services and all the other tasks associated with running the event.’"

I see he's already building the ring fence to protect the motorsport development executive club members who will have even less to do than they have now if a external promoter is appointed.
(This post was last modified: 28-01-2015, 01:36 PM by warrior.)
28-01-2015, 01:35 PM
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badlyoverdrawnboy Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
(28-01-2015, 01:35 PM)warrior Wrote: "But he said the motorsport team will still have plenty to occupy them: ‘We will still be managing all the infrastructure in terms of staging the event in the Isle of Man, things like road maintenance and closures, co-ordinating emergency services and all the other tasks associated with running the event.’"

I see he's already building the ring fence to protect the motorsport development executive club members who will have even less to do than they have now if a external promoter is appointed.

Some first class back covering going on here Mr Skelly obviously is unaware that all the tasks of running the TT - road closures, marshal recruitment etc are already out for tender (or expressions of interest) he needs to read some of their own spin on the dark side - nobody else does anymore!

And Mr Davison a 'Marketing Expert' is already putting newspapers down their trousers 'non of my mates should be castigated if this proves to be the load of tosh which everyone but us insiders and the Manx Gov know it to be' .

I predict that they'll spend another couple of  hundred thousand negotiating with dreamers who will baulk when they actually have to put some cash up - they already have realised nobody will give them a fee up front so they are talking profit share but as already said its doubtful if anyone could or would go to massive expense of setting up a new road race then be stupid enough to show a profit and give half of it to DED! 
Of course there will have to be loads of liaison and supervision of the contract - plenty scope for business class tickets and sun tans for the boys there then.
28-01-2015, 05:44 PM
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Prilly Man Offline
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Taking TT global is ‘Bullsh**lt, says "ditch" expert
sorry to rain on your parade , but what exactly has this to do with road racing  or even IOM , ???. A road race championship but no Irish road race  !!! - just a marketing ploy to capture some TV money. Even the TT itself doesn't sit comfortable with what they are proposing - how are you going to compact the TT into a weekend to make it TV friendly.
Will the rest of the races be shown live , but not the TT. The island weather is hardly TV friendly and what if there was a live crash - do you just turn off the live stream and say nothing for 2 hours (how accidents are currently dealt with).
Have the hotels, B&B's  etc been consulted - TT to be reduced to a long w/e. What about all the marshals who give up their time for nothing - how will they be accommodated? Will the ACU be as accommodating with dates , clearing 2 weeks out of the BSB calendar every year to facilitate the TT.
The more you look at this world TT series , the more one event sticks out as been different. How can you set up a series based on the exception? Be careful that you don't get what you wish for - a watered down TT...................

(This post was last modified: 28-01-2015, 07:22 PM by Prilly Man.)
28-01-2015, 07:20 PM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Dont think they are planning to shorten the main event Kev.
28-01-2015, 07:46 PM
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Prilly Man Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
(28-01-2015, 07:46 PM)warrior Wrote: Dont think they are planning to shorten the main event Kev.

They mightn't shorten the "Event" but many will only want to be on the Island for the Final , so to speak.

28-01-2015, 08:09 PM
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larryd Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Am I allowed to indulge in mild hysteria now, or should I wait until there is even more reason to ??

29-01-2015, 10:49 PM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Great isnt it Larry, having just read the notes from the recent press release it is clear that they have paid £200k simply for some marketing 'experts' opinion who has no previous connection to motorcycle racing.

It is full of proposals, assumptions and guesses, nowhere does it state that these 'experts' have actually spoken to any of these proposed host countries or even approached them.
30-01-2015, 10:54 AM
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V Twin Mechanic Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Perhaps we can have a explanation from Mr Slelley why they have paid out such a huge ammount of money to confirm what they know, or should have known !. If Mr Skelley is to shy to answer I have no doubt that Mr P could think of a good answer !
30-01-2015, 12:24 PM
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larryd Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
An answer - he's never stuck for one.

A good answer, however, is a different matter altogether .   .   .   .   .   .   .

30-01-2015, 05:48 PM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
The word used here that I love is

the Titanic had potential and look what happened to that

30-01-2015, 06:48 PM
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TTNeb Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
(30-01-2015, 06:48 PM)Steady the Edward Wrote: The word used here that I love is              

the Titanic had potential and look what happened to that


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31-01-2015, 08:47 AM
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bsa499 Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Am I missing something? Surely we've been here before, remember the TT Formula Championship that ran from 1997 to 1990? This 'new idea' is actually nothing more than the rebirth of a failed strategy. To improve the TT's income requires serious and continued long term investment in both the TT and the IoM not selling out to promoters, advisers and other 'experts' out to make a fast buck.
01-02-2015, 06:37 PM
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warrior Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
(01-02-2015, 06:37 PM)bsa499 Wrote: Am I missing something? Surely we've been here before, remember the TT Formula Championship that ran from 1997 to 1990? This 'new idea' is actually nothing more than the rebirth of a failed strategy. To improve the TT's income requires serious and continued long term investment in both the TT and the IoM not selling out to promoters, advisers and other 'experts' out to make a fast buck.

Yes we have been here before, and that has also been pointed out to them, but their answer was 'the TT brand is much stronger now' they simply do not want to listen to anyone except their consultants who apparently are experts in these matters.

Let's face it, these consultants are never going to tell the DED the truth about the real feasibility of this dream, they are currently doing very nicely out of this project thank you, they have a naive client onboard, a real salesmans dream, and to tell them the truth at this stage would be like Turkeys voting for Christmas, they want to keep their fees rolling in for as long as possible.
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 09:48 PM by warrior.)
01-02-2015, 09:46 PM
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Max Power Offline
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Whilst I believe that this was worth investigating, I am horrified to find that over £200,000 has been spent on 'consultants' when there are enough educated people on the island who, without an axe to grind would have given a good indication of the likelihood of this thing flying.

If this was such a good idea, why was it not handed over to tender for companies to do their own research and come up with a proposition? That would have cost nothing!

I would like to see it happen, it won't affect the TT itself other than create more interest. I do have reservations though and think that a road racing world championship, left to individual race organisers and run through the FIM would probably be a better bet? The TT would be a major round of this, a bit like TTF1, which was seen off because of its own success, with manufacturers building road going replicas of their F1 bikes which spawned WSBK.
02-02-2015, 03:17 PM
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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
How many people up to now have said that they would be prepared to take it on

02-02-2015, 03:49 PM
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BenjiesDad Offline

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RE: Taking TT global has ‘potential’, says branding expert
Good Afternoon all,

This World TT event has really got people thinking, Hasnt it ?

Which has got me thinking, and i really hope this comes out right, As iam typing as i think ,, lol

Who owns the Copyright for the TT name ?
Asking this, as if you want to produce a T-shirt with the Logo on it, you have to pay some money to somebody ?

Think most People know that all the Main trophys are owned by the ACU, but are returned back to the Island for 2 weeks of the year, and then go out on loan back to Beaulieu, Or that was the last time i saw them all,

Somebody has made a lot of money out of the TT Brand for years,
Yes the ACU did/do have the hassle of sorting it all out, Which in most parts they have done a good job,
But even there deal is up for renewal,,

You do have various other TT events of course,
The Dutch TT being one, Ok its Moto GP now, But is still branded as a TT ?

I think what iam trying to say here is,
How can you sell the Family Heirlooms so to speak without asking the family,
And that Family is the Tax paying Manx Residents !
Who love it or loave the TT, without it, they would be sunk,
Which is why, i think the powers that be, whilst trying to raise a few quid to get themselves Brownie points higher up in the Government, have allowed this hairbrained idea to cost so much already !

I really am struggling to be nice and postive about this whole idea here,
And write nice things about it !
But all i can see is Trouble ahead, costing a lot of Money that the everyday person on the Island needs spent locally, Not on PR Exercises,,,

Just my Thoughts on the Subject,
All comments good or bad gratefully received,
02-02-2015, 04:44 PM
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