What bike documentation do you take with you
Steady the Edward Offline
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What bike documentation do you take with you
I have a new commer coming with me and he asked me what bike Documentation we should take with us , now I know after all these years I should know , but I seem to remember that we used to take insurance  and mot docks with me for years and still do but I seem to remember somewhere reading that now it is all on the DVLA data base we no longer need to as the IOM have access to it , but when I googled it I could not find an answer anyone??  know 

25-05-2015, 11:04 AM
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Stav Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Hello Steady, i`ve been going for over 20 years and never taken any bike documentation, but my drivers licence is in my wallet! We found out last weekend, at Cairnryan, that a full PNC (?) Mot, Insurance,ownership) check can be carried out with your licence and Reg` number.

Hope that helps....not long now!

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25-05-2015, 11:27 AM
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warrior Offline

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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
(25-05-2015, 11:27 AM)Stav Wrote: Hello Steady, i`ve been going for over 20 years and never taken any bike documentation, but my drivers licence is in my wallet! We found out last weekend, at Cairnryan, that a full PNC (?) Mot, Insurance,ownership) check can be carried out with your licence and Reg` number.

Hope that helps....not long now!

Shouldn't need anything really Ed, although it's no problem to carry licence, mot, insurance just in case, or if you don't want to risk losing them or getting them wet photocopies would provide policy number licence number etc in an emergency.

If you get stopped over here or on the way to the boat and given a producer by plod I'm sure they would date it to give you time to get home and produce at the local station on your return if you explained the situation to them.

Years ago there used to be something on the ferry tickets about having to carry reg docs or proof of ownership/authority to be in possession of your vehicle as you may be asked to produce them before boarding, but i was never asked for anything and I think that paragraph disappeared in the 1990's
25-05-2015, 12:19 PM
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HammerHead Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Photocopies should be OK or maybe even scanned copies on your smartphone.

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25-05-2015, 12:40 PM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Like I said I seem to remember that we were advised to take them when we first started going with the bike in the early 90s but had the feeling that when they went all computer linked that we no longer needed to , but just having a flick through I could not find official conformation one way or the other , its one thing when it is just me I can plead insanatery but that is not fair on a newbie lol

25-05-2015, 01:25 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
A few years ago (2004 I think it was), while I was flitting back and forth from Lancashire to the Isle of Man, I was pulled early one Sunday morning (about 07:30), on the Old Castletown road (near Port Soderick junction) by some "person" using a speed gun.

I had no documents on me at the time, and could not produce any for him, except for some bank cards etc with my name on them.

The vehicle check he carried out on the spot verified myself as the vehicle owner, and that everything was in place (My Licence, Vehicle Insurance etc).

So, even if you have nothing other than a bank card on your person, it would certainly seem that they can still carry out a full and complete check on you and your bike, on the spot.

Still, probably best to carry something, as I was held up for ages while the checks were carried out.
25-05-2015, 01:42 PM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Wonder if a bus pass will do Malcolm ? It has a picture of a handsome chap on it , but them rotten bus drivers won't let me use it lol ,

25-05-2015, 01:55 PM
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Stav Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Just another suggestion...if you scan your doc's, maybe your passport too, and email them to yourself, they 'should' be retrievable if the need arises.

An easier and safer way to keep your documents readily to hand (via your Smartphone/Tablet etc), is to join Dropbox and upload all your personal stuff onto that facility. - https://www.dropbox.com/

(This post was last modified: 25-05-2015, 03:09 PM by Malcolm.)
25-05-2015, 02:45 PM
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c iom tt Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
I guess it depends what the circumstances are?
I always carry my MOT/Insurance/Licence when I am on the Island, more out of habit than anything else.
A few years back, I was standing outside the Sefton talking to the Manager at the time, Woody and Bob Mc Millan from Honda, when a Copper walked up and asked me if it was my bike parked up. He then started to give me down the banks over my numberplate, I started laughing as I thought I was being set up by Woody, but by the look on his face it became apparant very quickly that he was serious.
I was given a producer, and was told in no uncertain terms, that if he saw me again before I had produced, he would have my bike taken of me.
When I went to Douglas Police station, the Copper asked me why I was there, when I told him what had happened, he said the Copper who booked me was a total T**T, but if I had not produced, he would have gone out of his way to deal with it.
So although we now live in a digital age, for the sake of a few bits of paper, I still take them with me.

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25-05-2015, 03:22 PM
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Nev14 Offline

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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
Have seen many asked if they have their driving licence and insurance when pulled for speeding at Sulby Bridge in  the half hour before roads closed. Presume it is quicker to check there and then rather than have to radio in to find out.

Occasionally you get the rider who thinks when they are pulled in they will just get a standard fine but their face changes when they are told because of the high speed they were going to be on court the following morning.
25-05-2015, 03:31 PM
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Smidsy Offline
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RE: What bike documentation do you take with you
I got a pull last year coming out of Laxey, speeding, not excessively and a genuine mistake, but speeding non the less.
All the officer wanted was to see proof of identify, I had my old photo card driving licence, (out of date, not my current one) but he was ok with that, he then checked my insurance and MOT by UK PNC, it said I had insurance, but no MOT, (however my bike was under 3years old, I explained that, he said it didn't matter and they aren't bothered re MOT and was just mentioning it.

Back at my digs I had photocopies of my insurance, and current driving licence, as I always have.
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25-05-2015, 05:55 PM
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