10 laps and pitstops

10 laps and pitstops
On a slightly different tangent, can anyone remember how many pitstops were required during the 10 lap Mountain circuit races and whether there were any compulsory ones ? (Ok there were two riders per bike )

Need an answer !!
31-01-2004, 05:13 PM

Re: 10 laps and pitstops
I think almost everyone did a three/three for each rider and a two/two laps each rider which meant three pitstops. We felt best tactic was two put the best rider on first so that he gave the slower plonker a bit of breathing space.

Ian Richards was first to go in each race with me in the ten lappers for obvious reasons.

It would have been a good tactic if we could have done a flyer like Ian four laps me two and Ian another four but I am pretty sure the regs insisted that each rider had to ride twice with an equal number of laps for each rider.

When Endurance racing only had two riders we always did two hours on, two hours off, it is different now because the have three riders, believe me it is amazing how easily you can sleep for those two hours off even with the noise.

31-01-2004, 08:06 PM

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