Playstation Gaming

Playstation Gaming
I read with some trepidation the latest report on the race simulation being produced for Playstation..............

There are some implications that there may be "excitement" which may not be in the interests of the TT

Can anyone put our minds at rest that this simulation is not going to be yet another crash and burn computer game...

There is mention of Mad Sunday laps against traffic etc..............

Why can't someone do something to sell the TT instead of doing this sort of thing---It ain't funny, it ain't clever...............

But it wouldn't sell the game without crashings and the like !!!
01-02-2004, 05:25 PM

Re: Playstation Gaming
Over on the other (Official) TT website, - Mesage Board - TT General thread is a very active exchange of views on this subject.
Martin, from Jester (The softwear Co) has been soliciting opinions to feed back into the programmes for the game.

02-02-2004, 09:01 AM

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