Injured Rider Updates
HammerHead Offline
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Steve Mercer Update
Jackson Racing posted the following update from Steve's wife a couple of hours ago:

Just to give you an update Steve had surgery early Thursday morning for pelvic and leg injuries which went as well as the doctors could have hoped at this stage. Other injuries include a broken ankle, heel, T12 vertebrae, a fracture to his larynx and damage to his neck which means he’s not currently able to breathe for himself without support. They’re keeping him heavily sedated most of the time to make him more comfortable whilst he recovers from his injuries. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us to get over to him so quickly and for the hundreds of messages of support we have received. I have been reading some of your messages out to him to let him know everyone is rooting for him to get better. I’m sorry to everyone I haven’t replied to yet, Steve and the boys are keeping me busy, but I will try to get back to you all over the coming days. X

"There is nothing so momentary as a sporting achievement, and nothing so lasting as the memory of it."
01-06-2018, 10:18 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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Injured Rider Updates

Steve Mercer’s condition remains critical but stable in hospital in Liverpool.

Chris Petty, who was injured following an accident at St Ninians during last night’s Superbike session is in Nobles Hospital with a fractured ankle.

[Image: manxradiomain.gif]
01-06-2018, 11:06 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

Sidecar Race 1 - Part 1 Incident

Taken by AirMed to Nobles for Examination etc 

 Tony Baker suffered a Leg Fracture and Fiona Baker-Holden  suffered Soft Tissue damage

Saturday 2nd June

Mercer 'improving' in hospital

Condition update issued

Injured TT rider Steve Mercer is 'improving', according to doctors.

His condition is still described as 'critical, but stable', following a collision with an official car during Wednesday night's qualifying session.

The 36-year-old is being treated in Liverpool.

In a post online, wife Caroline described the extent of his injuries including a fractured ankle, heel and vertabrae.

She also revealed emergency surgery on Thursday went 'as well as the doctors could have hoped'.

(This post was last modified: 03-06-2018, 02:30 PM by Malcolm.)
03-06-2018, 10:20 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
[Image: stevemercer2.jpg]

Rider Steve Mercer's condition has been described as 'deteriorating' after a collision last week.
Tuesday 5th June, 2018 15:16 hrs

The 36-year-old from Kent was transferred to hospital in Liverpool after a collision with a course car at Ballacrye on Wednesday, May 30.

His wife, Caroline took to social media to reveal the extent of his injuries - confirming he had undergone surgery for pelvic and leg injuries and was unable to breathe unassisted.

Now, she says he wasn't able to have his breathing tube removed, because his condition has worsened over the last few days.

She adds he's being very well looked after by the critical care team he's currently with.

[Image: 3fmlogo.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 06:01 PM by Malcolm.)
05-06-2018, 05:09 PM
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milestone 11 Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
Steve Mercer update, not what I would have hoped.
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 08:08 PM by Malcolm.)
05-06-2018, 07:59 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
Friday, June 8th, 2018 10:32am
TT organisers say Steve Mercer remains 'stable' in hospital in Liverpool.

Sidecar driver, Tony Baker, is likely to be transferred from hospital in Liverpool to a hospital nearer to home and is described as comfortable, organisers say.

Meanwhile, his passenger, Fiona Baker-Holden, is currently in hospital - also in Liverpool - with organisers saying she is expected to be discharged shortly.

Kamil Holan, who was injured in the Senior TT practice session on Wednesday, suffered an ankle fracture and is likely to be transferred shortly to a hospital in Czech Republic.
08-06-2018, 12:29 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
Tuesday 12th June


Steve Mercer remains in what is described as a stable condition in hospital in Liverpool.

Kamil Holan is currently in Nobles Hospital with a fractured ankle and will be heading back to the Czech Republic shortly.

Tony Baker remains comfortable in Liverpool and will shortly be transferred back to a hospital nearer home.

Fiona Baker Holden is comfortable in hospital in Liverpool and is likely to be discharged shortly with follow up outpatient physio or local hospital care.

Dom Herbertson was admitted to Nobles Hospital with a rib fracture following an accident in the Senior TT and discharged the following day.

Bjorn Gunnarsson was also assessed at Nobles following his accident during the Senior TT but was released on the same day.

[Image: manxradiomain.gif]
12-06-2018, 03:18 PM
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HammerHead Offline
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RE: Injured Rider Updates
An update from Caroline Mercer posted yesterday:

Sorry for the lack of updates, it’s been a long difficult week for us. Steve had 6 hours of surgery on his leg and ankle today which didn’t go as well as hoped due to dirt in the wound however he is booked in for further surgery later this week to finish what they started. It’s the first of many operations on his leg but they’re confident they can mend it. He has been very up and down this last week and just as we think he’s making progress he takes a few steps back but he has managed a few hours today and yesterday without his ventilator so it looks like we’re finally taking a step in the right direction. He’s still having problems with his temperature, which was up to 39 degrees yesterday. The hospital fan was broken and they didn’t have another so I made his first purchase from the very very generous donations we have received and got him a fan which reduced his temperature back down to a much more comfortable 36 degrees. I quite literally can’t thank each and everyone of you enough for your amazing kindness and donations. I have been reading him messages from the just giving page today and he’s overwhelmed. Thank you just doesn’t cover how grateful we are to all of you.

"There is nothing so momentary as a sporting achievement, and nothing so lasting as the memory of it."
13-06-2018, 12:23 PM
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Andy from Kazakhstan Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
In case anyone wants to donate here is Steve's justgiving address.
13-06-2018, 02:37 PM
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HammerHead Offline
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RE: Injured Rider Updates
Caroline Mercer has stated that there will be no more updates on Steve Mercer's condition whilst the enquiry into the incident is conducted.

"There is nothing so momentary as a sporting achievement, and nothing so lasting as the memory of it."
19-06-2018, 01:01 PM
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milestone 11 Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
I don't understand the reasons for this development. It's not as though updates on Steve's condition could be considered sub-judice, what's the purpose of the news blackout.
20-06-2018, 07:16 PM
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Moderator2 Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
Below is copied from the BBC website -

His wife Caroline said they will "no longer be sending out updates on his condition whilst investigations in the UK and on island are ongoing".

She said on her Facebook page "Given the tragic circumstances of the accident, there are a number of formal enquiries by many different authorities and agencies - both on the Isle of Man and here in the UK

"So that those enquiries can proceed without distraction, in accordance with legal advice taken, we regret that we will not able to post progress reports at this stage.

"Please be reassured that we are forced to take this step to ensure that justice is served; not only for Steve but for the great deal of many other people touched by this very tragic event. Normal updates will resume as soon as we are permitted to post again.

"On behalf of Steve, we would like to thank all the hundreds of generous and thoughtful well-wishers, family and friends."
(This post was last modified: 20-06-2018, 10:54 PM by Moderator2.)
20-06-2018, 10:53 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Injured Rider Updates
This has been copied from the Steve Mercer Account on Facebook, posted at approximately 18:00hrs on the 6th July.

Quote:Whilst I’m unable to give details of Steve’s condition I’m pleased to be able to say that he moved off the critical care ward and onto a normal ward last night.

Thank you so much to everyone who has shown us so much kindness and care
07-07-2018, 12:43 PM
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