Well, as Malcolm will be closing up shortly, hopefully to return one day, we shall see.
It's been good these past few years, I wish I could remember my login details from my previous incarnation, that'd be even longer ago!!
Anyway, As far as I'm aware there will still be a fundraising event on Mad Sunday evening at Daves pub, the Old Market Inn in Douglas.
As I remember we started that as a forum meeting at the old "official" TT forum, moving from The Queens & maybe other places too?
Hopefully see a few forum members there next year?
& don't forget my "Helpful Hints.." page for folks sailing from Heysham, I'll try to remember to keep it updated!!
& if you need to see some ermmm, "of the moment" TT videos

, my youtube channel is here -
Thanks again Malcolm &
Au Revoir!