Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?

Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
Firstly can i just start by saying a big thanks to everyone who came along to say "hello" to Bryan, Alex and Grant at the weekend. Apologies for anyone that didn`t find them as they were not in our van but parked up with his pal scott. Here is the reason why.......

Woke up early just to say "cheerio" as alex and grant left our house at 5.30am to meet up with Bryan to make sure that they arrived at the ferry in stranraer for the 9.30 bookin before you leave. Must admit i nodded off again to be woken up at 9ish by my mobile going off !

answered it and said "everything ok " err...not quite says alex, the propshaft has broken off the van and we are 20miles from the ferry !!!

Slight panic in my voice saying " what you gonna do" Don`t worry came the reply we will get there......
Wide awake by this time i watched the clock go round till the phone rang again.
Its ok says alex a farmer has towed us up to his farm and grant and i have walked along the road to find the propshaft lying in a field !!
Oh right says i ......
Can it be fixed ? (typical female) no ! came the reply but Bryans away to see if we can get help.

Bry had phoned his pal scott to see if he could double back and meet us to get on the ferry but scott was already booked in and couldn`t get off again.

So Bryan got Grants pushbike out of the van and Cycled into the nearest village to see what could be done.

Phoned his dad back to say "right we are sorted"

It gets better.......

A lovely lady who has a Kia people carrier had offered to help Bryan out.
She usually takes Special Needs Kids to school......
and listening to bryans tale did not want to see him stuck !!!
She had a trailer at her house that she said would take the bike and limited extras to the docks !

Then followed hasty decisions as to what they could take...
consisting off Bryans Kit, Racing Bike, Spare wheels and generator plus some tools.......Oh yes sleeping bags too......they forgot the food !

So the lovely lady drove them to Stranraer leaving the farmer looking after the van..... Not a problem he said !

She had to leave them at the docks waiting on some of the North East riders coming along who following a phone call said that they would get them over the water to Kirkistown.
Three hours later......they arrived but at least it wasn`t raining.
Big thanks now go to David Bell who loaded them into his van after firstly emptying it to accomodate all brys gear !!

Alex bry and grant were then dispersed between various vans to get to the circuit.
What a laugh i got a text from Bry say
"sat in the dark mum canny see a thing with a speaker blaring in my ear !!

Ah well bry i txt back its tough at the top but a lot tougher where you are !!!!

When they arrived at Kirkistown 12 hrs after setting off from home they met up with Scott.

The hospitality as always was brill, and they even enjoyed sleeping on the commentry tower floor

Bryan really enjoyed the racing, he just wished that he had more time to learn the circuit but each time he went out he took a second of his lap times so he knew he was going in the right direction

As i said at the begining it was great for them to meet a lot of my good friends that i talk to here on RRR.Com and TTwebsite.

The boys left sharp as they had a chance to catch the earlier ferry at 5pm.( instead of 10pm) Good crossing, then drove home to Scotts in Carlisle and then borrowed Scotts van to get them home a further 100miles.
Alex and grant got in at 12.30am and we all sat and laughed about the weekend. Good racing, good fun, but especially good friends old and new !

Today on his day off alex has returned to the van got the rest of the propshaft and taken it to a place to get it sorted !
Scotts van gets delivered back tomorrow after work and brys van gets sorted on Thursday (all being well ) for Knockhill on Saturday.

I looking on the brightside, thought how it could have happened last weekend when we were at Brands Hatch MRO with the caravan on the back ........

Had a lot of texts and calls during the day from friends wondering how bry was doing so thought i would pop this online to give everyone a laugh !!

Bryan really did enjoy Ireland as i knew he would and does hope to return with his Mum too next time !!!

cheers all,
All That is not given is lost

29-03-2005, 09:07 PM

Re: Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
What a story Stella i am glad you tasted Irish hopitality and good luck for the rest of the season to Bryan.
30-03-2005, 09:35 AM

Re: Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
Alex should write a book..."The Campbells are coming...eventually"!(Slightly in joke there..."The Campbells are coming" is an old Scots song...)
30-03-2005, 10:11 AM

Re: Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
Yes helen you know us so well !

We get there in the end !

Bryan had a good time tho and it was well worth the effort.i don`t think their is hospitality anywhere thats quite like what the Irish offer.


30-03-2005, 03:06 PM

Re: Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
Yes Stella a great true story !
Things we do as a racer , I can tell one too but
not tonight !
31-03-2005, 09:47 PM

Re: Kirkistown and back an adventure or what ?
Come on Gail...tell us! How about some other tales of disatrous journeys...funny afterwards!
01-04-2005, 08:54 AM

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