David Griffiths
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RE: Charity events
(02-07-2009, 12:16 AM)shaun hogg Wrote: My two penneth on this subject which i can se from all angles i think , firstly having lost my brother in 1989 i know the insurance pay out which we recieved after his death was minimal , but that didnt matter as this was his chosen avenue & all riders have some sort of personal insurance although i dont think you would expect much of a pay out & a high premium in this game , which we all know is extremely dangerous & also extremely selfish on the riders part , because they all think they are invincible & in the case of injury or worse it is the family who are left to pick up the pieces , however we all get as much pleasure out of it as they do .
Since phil was killed in 89 i have been heavily involved in fund raising for our ambulances which are under the manx motorsport medical services charity administerd by doc stevens , our fund has been running since 1991 although david was looking after the Rob Vine fund prior to that , our fund is to provide immediate care to injured riders by way of rescue ambulance , immediate care packs which are situated all around the course & paramedics , who all give up there time volutarily to help here , taking holidays just to support the TT & MGP
I think our fund is an invaluable & absolutely necessary part of the racing here as is the Helicopter fund .
However on reading some of the posts on this subject aqbout central funds for injured riders , i am not so sure how this would work or could work , we do of course have the ACU benevolent fund which helps , we also used to have in the hotels i remember an aid for the injured riders fund which i think was linked to the Acu where all the hoteliers payed a annual fee of i think £20 or so , obviously there are no hotels now to speak of so that has gone , which probably accumulated quiet a few quid years ago , personally i would be happy to pay into an annual fund for the riders who get injured as inevitably they will here some worse than others unfortunately , say a £50 annual fee as a rough guide , the unfortunate thing with such a fund is you could not really offer a lot to injured riders , but a small amount is better than no amount .
This brings me on to my next segment which is supporting individual riders by fund raising etc , this has of course been highlighted by the terrible accident invloving Nicky Crowe & Mark Cox & also the accident involving TM John Mcbride , the fund raisers set up to help these guys are set up by family & friends of the guys who are asking for help , if they did not need it they would not ask & because they are all local we see it more & feel it on a more personal level , i know John McBride quite well although i have nver spoken to Nicky Crowe he has provided some of the greatest sidecar driving we have ever witnessed on this Island & given great entertainment to the spectators along with Mark & varous other passengers over the years , last year with Moly was the stuff of epics . i think we all know Nicky is in a very bad way at the moment .
The point i am making is that whilst i agree on a central fund which i am sure many supporters would subscribe to , the main support comes from family & friends & locallity which is where the main fund raising is done & where the people know the competitors personally , which is exactlly what ishappening at the moment , Rosie & Hayley are working there socks off to hepl Nicky & Mark & the TMs are planning events to hep John Mc because he is one of theirs & needs help it is a natural reaction to support a local person , we see all the time various funds to help riders injured everywhere & i can guarantee that nine times out of ten if you dont know the rider you wont dip your hand in your pocket to hepl , which is natural i do it myself.
I think the overall here is the people who want to help & there friends or loved ones should not have to justify it to anyone , at the end o f the day you dont have to if you dont want to & if no one got of there ass they would have nothing .
As said just my point not preaching or having a go at anyone . Shaun Hogg
That is one of the most powerful postings I have read on this website, coming from someone who, in his own words, can see this situation from all angles.
There is one particular part of Shaun's posting which particularly strikes a chord with me and is an opinion with which I have agreed 100% for a long time now - but have never posted that opinion on the website for fear of offending or upsetting anyone.
Sincere good wishes to everyone who has been injured for the speediest and fullest recoveries possible.
08-07-2009, 01:15 PM |
RE: Charity events
Good Afternoon all,
Let me start by saying that this thread has been very constructive,
Any mis-information has been cleared up,
Thanks to Wyn & others for that,
There are so many charitys out there these days,
It is down to the individual to make there own mind up which one they support,
We all have our own favourites ?
And so many of them do so much good work in different areas,
TTRA, Phil Hogg, JDF, etc
Bottom line is when riders need help,
The family that is the racing fraternity, are always willing to go that extra mile, to help each other out,
Long may it continue,
08-07-2009, 02:12 PM |
Mark Crowe
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RE: Charity events
(10-07-2009, 10:34 PM)George Wrote: The current fund raising for Nick and Mark has done very well over the short time its been running and has raised a considerable sum that should see the urgent financial needs met. Now may be the time to slow it down a bit to allow some of the other funds the chance to get a slice of the cake. The MGP and S100 will soon be here and funds have to be raised for the costs of the Helicopters. And im sure Nick and Mark would appreciate this, knowiing what having a chopper means to an injured rider, without them things could be worse.
I'm sure the other charitys/funds won't suffer at all.
Personally, I support the Helicopter fund and any other injured riders funds, including (obviously) Nick and Marks fund raising events.
Yes, the fund raising has done well, but not without a lot of hard work from Rosie, Hayley, Gaynor and all the family, friends and supporters. That of which the family will be eternally grateful.
Rosie has also done an exceptional amount for other injured riders and the helicopter fund in general. (I'm sure you already know that).
If fund raising events are ongoing for these lads and people want to support those fund raising events, then let them decide when to "slow it down".
I certainly won't be slowing down and I shall be supporting all the fund raising events for Nick and Mark, along with any other fund raising events that people organise for others, which will include the Helicopter fund.
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2009, 12:49 AM by Mark Crowe.)
11-07-2009, 12:22 AM |
Jan Grainger
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RE: Charity events
(11-07-2009, 12:22 AM)Mark Crowe Wrote: (10-07-2009, 10:34 PM)George Wrote: The current fund raising for Nick and Mark has done very well over the short time its been running and has raised a considerable sum that should see the urgent financial needs met. Now may be the time to slow it down a bit to allow some of the other funds the chance to get a slice of the cake. The MGP and S100 will soon be here and funds have to be raised for the costs of the Helicopters. And im sure Nick and Mark would appreciate this, knowiing what having a chopper means to an injured rider, without them things could be worse.
I'm sure the other charitys/funds won't suffer at all.
Personally, I support the Helicopter fund and any other injured riders funds, including (obviously) Nick and Marks fund raising events.
Yes, the fund raising has done well, but not without a lot of hard work from Rosie, Hayley, Gaynor and all the family, friends and supporters. That of which the family will be eternally grateful.
Rosie has also done an exceptional amount for other injured riders and the helicopter fund in general. (I'm sure you already know that).
If fund raising events are ongoing for these lads and people want to support those fund raising events, then let them decide when to "slow it down".
I certainly won't be slowing down and I shall be supporting all the fund raising events for Nick and Mark, along with any other fund raising events that people organise for others, which will include the Helicopter fund. Well said, Mark. The boys on the track don't think of slowing down, they are amazing. They all race for the thrill of it, the competition and to provide entertainment for us, so why should we slow down when it comes to raising money for them, the Helicoptor fund, etc, and as I said before, it is our perogative to whom we wish to donate and I expect, at the end of the day, it will all balance out fairly well.
11-07-2009, 10:06 AM |
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RE: Charity events
(11-07-2009, 11:02 AM)John Foster Wrote: (10-07-2009, 10:34 PM)George Wrote: Now may be the time to slow it down a bit to allow some of the other funds the chance to get a slice of the cake.
I find this comment rather strange, to put it mildly. Perhaps you could try suggesting that to the RNLI.
The RNLI is one charity that looks after the interests of all sailors not just one. How many charities do we need to look after ALL Injured Riders from the TT.
If the families of every rider injured at the TT were to set up fund raising events, how long do you think it would take to Pizz Joe Public off.
In the past proceeds from successful fund raising events would have been shared about in a bid to help all, and that's all I'm trying to suggest, is there any reason why some of the proceeds from this fund could be shared about the needy
Well done, to the Crowe & Cox fundraisers. You've really got the momentum going, so keep it up! 
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2009, 12:17 PM by George.)
11-07-2009, 12:16 PM |
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RE: Charity events
Quote:The RNLI is one charity that looks after the interests of all sailors not just one. How many charities do we need to look after ALL Injured Riders from the TT.
If the families of every rider injured at the TT were to set up fund raising events, how long do you think it would take to Pizz Joe Public off.
In the past proceeds from successful fund raising events would have been shared about in a bid to help all, and that's all I'm trying to suggest, is there any reason why some of the proceeds from this fund could be shared about the needy
I agree, there are quite a few charities that look after injured riders and the people involved in those are quite free to organise fund raising events for them, as are the families of any injured riders.
It's not an exclusive club it just takes someone to start the ball rolling and take the initiative to raise funds, and no I don't think it would bother the public as much as you seem to think.
I think the general public on the Isle of Man support all worthwhile causes and certainly not all are to do with the TT or MGP.
You then go onto ask to share the proceeds from a fundraiser that has been explicitly set up and advertised for the two lads who crashed.
This particular fund raising hasn't been set up for all injured riders in the TT, as you said yourself "how many charities do we need to look after all the injured riders" these events have been, and are advertised, as I've already said, for the two riders who crashed at Ballacob, and the people of the Island and in the UK who are supporting them know that.
I take my hat off to everyone involved, those who have given there time up and took the initiative, when the families involved were in turmoil after the accident to organise the events, Malcolm and the TT website for the advertising, posters etc, and to all the people who have given there time and money and to everyone who's supported them in any way at all. Long may it continue.
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2009, 06:51 PM by Wilddog.)
11-07-2009, 06:46 PM |
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RE: Charity events
Quote: happychick
I have also read from one main fundraiser that the money raised will be held, used by the boys to help them until they sort themselfs out and any money then left over will be used for other things to do with the TT and Manx. In other words they do not intend to use money if its not needed !
This has been said on various sites by a main fundraiser ! who should certainly know all the facts concerning these two men and their needs.
11-07-2009, 08:50 PM |
richard ellis
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RE: Charity events
i dont want this to sound like a rant but it prob will. the nick crowe and mark cox fundraising is exactly that. it says what it is on the tin. why should any of the funds raised for them go to other people. you dont have to put into this fund if you dont want to. all collections are made with it very clear as to where the money is to go (nick crowe and mark cox). if you put into a fund thinking it went to A and some of it went to B,C or D i dont think you would be very happy. why shouldnt there be a fund for an individual person or persons. the family and friends of these people have worked amazingly hard to raise the funds that will be required for there recovery. neither will be able to work for a considerable amount of time and both have familys to support. there injuries must be quite horriffic for there familys not to have issued a statement explaining there full injuries and i believe there conditions are changing on a daily basis and certainly nick is not out the woods yet as far as how critical he is. with every operation i am sure there is more risk of complications. these two are likely to be off work for a couple of years.
if the funds raised for nick and mark were to be split between other injured riders/marshalls at what point do you say that person doesnt need any support and how thin would the fund be by the time it is distributed between all these other people.
there are funds in place for other people like the acu benevolent fund, tt riders assoc etc. none of these funds go far enough as there just isnt enough put into them hence why any individual with injuries as serious as nick and marks need further fundraising to help them through what is already a hurrendous time. i and am sure many other people (nick and mark included) put into these other funds hoping never to need them themselves but selfishly do put into them anyway (i believe nick pulled a sidecar around the tt course several years ago raising money for several charities) i dont believe there was any complaints about him raising money for other people at that time. nick has done plenty in the past to help others. well now its his turn to need some support and assistance. why then should there family and friends be slandoured and slated for working damn hard, taking many ours out of there free time to work hard to raise the money needed to pay for the things required by these two lads like mortgage payments, bills, the ability to see there children, time of work for there partners to help look after them as nick in particular i believe needs almost constant assistance at the moment. there is no deception in what the funds are been raised for and it is entirely up to the individual if they want to put there hands in there pockets and help out.
i take my hat off to the people who have worked tirelessly towards this valid, and much needed cause.
i know other people were injured at the tt this year, several of my friends included. there is some assistance there for them and i appreciate prob not enough financially, but there is nothing stopping there friends and family doing exactly the same and raising money for them. aswell as regulally donating to several organisations that are aimed at riders and martials in general i would be happy to put into any fund that was been taken for anybody i new. on occasions i have even donated for people i have never known and never will. are you telling me that any of the people who are moaning on this thread would not put into a fundraiser for a friend of theres and instead would say "im not putting into my friends or familys fund cos i already donate to acu. mgp helicopter fund etc", i think not. good on the people who are prepared to get off there arses and do something for there loved ones and friends.
i am sympathetic that other people including a marshall have been injured. if a bucket came past me collecting for them i would more than likely drop something in for there fund too, especially marshalls as we couldnt race without them. i would appreciate what there friends and family were doing for them and not slag them off.
miss sayle who is doing so much for this fund has over many years and i believe still will continue to do so, raise many funds for various other much needed causes like the mgp helicopter fund etc.
i never see anybody complain when a young child has lukemia or something as hurrendous and a fund is specifically set up for them. they never say "oh, they have raised far too much money, some of it should be given to a general cancer fund or to a different person who has lukemia".
these lads have given there whole lives to the commitment required to get to the top of there game costing them much money and time over many years, providing an awfull lot of entertainment to many people. they are not paid to ride and have to hold down full time jobs to do the things they love.
why then do some individuals take it upon themselves to put down the efforts put in by other people to help these boys out.
i say get your hands in ya pockets and help some more, or stop moaning and get out there and raise some more money for the causes you feel need it and are underfunded. its easy to type on a keboard your raising too much money give some to this other fund. well stop taking the easy way out and get out there and do something. raise some money yourselves, organise an event, an auction, gig, whatever you want. we all agree there are many underfunded causes. do something about it, i have and do and will. why shouldnt you.
much appreciation to rosie sayle and hayley and all the other people, too numerous to mention for all the hard work you have put in so far to help the boys out. get well soon boys. hope your recovery goes very well.
i hope i dont upset anybody with my strong opinions, that was not nor is not my intention. just my views on the topic
11-07-2009, 11:13 PM |
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RE: Charity events
100% with Richard Ellis maybe now people who know little facts on this subject will stop putting their not so well thought out ideas and thoughts down here for everyone to read.
The public have their own thoughts on this matter as shown in the fundraising, which speaks for itself and maybe now the only posts which come here should be that of praise for these fundraisers for caring and good wishes for these boys and their families !
My message is..... to the fundraisers, carry on with your much valued work , your doing a fantastic job so worthy of your time.
To the families..... take all the help given, you have a long hard road ahead a helping hand goes along way.
(This post was last modified: 12-07-2009, 12:51 PM by happychick123.)
12-07-2009, 12:40 PM |